Tuesday, June 8, 2010

If you run a Windows machine, disable the server service

The Qakbot worm is out there, and it's doing a lot of damage on affected machines.

If you run a Windows system, be sure to disable the server service.

Instructions can be found here, at this person's blog. (I do not know this person, but the instructions seem pretty good.)

I promise you will have relatively few security issues if you disable the server service. Also consider disabling the remote registry service and the computer browser service. Indexing service will improve your performance somewhat, though that's not a huge problem on machines these days.

Server service=Bad. Disable it.

I am not promising it will fix all your problems--you're still human, and you'll still make dumb choices as you surf the web. The disabled server service is just a good preventative measure for instances where you can't necessarily predict the security of the web, even if you're on sites as "innocent" as Facebook or Google.