Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Carol's Blog, "Metadata, Cataloging, and Various Librarian-Like Stuff"

URL: http://carolslib.wordpress.com/2010/02/16/metadata-shemtadata/ (Linked in title.)

My friend Carol, who works at a library services company training folks to learn how to create and work with metadata, has started her own blog about metadata and cataloging. In addition Carol is my fiercest Scrabble competitor. She regularly beats me, in fact.

But, aside from Scrabble, Carol has some important ideas to get across about metadata. I've enjoyed reading through her blog so far.

1 comment:

  1. Woo! Thanks! And thanks for your blogging, I'm working my way thru it, digital is fairly new to me but metadata is universal.
    Oh, and I seem to recall being beaten a fair few times in Scrabble by YOU.
